Cindy Mitchell *Kiss the Book*'s Reviews > Brown (Volume 1)

Brown (Volume 1) by Håkon Øvreås
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bookshelves: advisable, elementary, middle-school

Brown (My Alter Ego is a Super Hero book 1) by Håkon Øvreås and Øyvind Torseter 128 pages. Enchanted Lion Books, 2019. $17.

Content: G.



Rusty is staying with his Aunt when his grandfather dies. She lets him take home a can of brown paint for the fort he and his friend Jack are building. But when they go to their fort in the woods, 3 bullies - the minister's son included - are pulling down their fort and chase Jack and Rusty away. That night, Rusty has an idea - dressed in brown with a brown cape, he becomes Brown - a super hero avenging wrongs - and he paints one of the bullies bikes with the brown paint. Rusty joins him the next night with Black paint, and eventually their other friend, Lou, become Blue. But when the minister notices paint on Rusty's hand at Grandpa's funeral, the super heroes may be in trouble.

This Batchelder award winner from Norway is an interesting character study. I loved the illustrations, simple but emotional. I love Rusty and his friends, but as an adult I wonder if they are just getting themselves into more trouble than they think. Rusty has the guidance and support of his dead grandfather, who is sitting on a large rock in the woods, waiting for, well, whatever happens after one dies. Probably not for every reader, but Brown is quirky enough that I think I know some kids who would really enjoy it. It's book 1 in a series - I wonder where it's headed?

Lisa Librarian
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Started Reading
June, 2020 – Finished Reading
July 7, 2020 – Shelved
July 7, 2020 – Shelved as: advisable
July 7, 2020 – Shelved as: elementary
July 7, 2020 – Shelved as: middle-school

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