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Jennifer Soppe's Reviews > Dante

Dante by Faith  Gibson
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's review

it was amazing

Showcasing the beauty of family of both blood and choosing

Isabelle, an immunologist and newly hired physician for the Pen, finds herself drawn to Dante, full-blood gargoyle and the medical examiner, after meeting him at the Pen and has just barely learned the truth of her heritage from when she found her brother Dane. As the story progresses things go slow at first, miscommunication causes a few false alarms, and when the going gets tough they both learn the truth of the meaning of family. Faith Gibson brings the world to a standstill in Dante showcasing the beauty of family of both blood and choosing. This family will bring the reader to their knees with all the Alpha males showing their feelings freely.

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Reading Progress

March 20, 2021 – Started Reading
March 20, 2021 – Finished Reading
March 21, 2021 – Shelved

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