Lisa (NY)'s Reviews > White Tears

White Tears by Hari Kunzru
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bookshelves: audiobook, 2021-tbr-shelf

[4+] Two music-obsessed white friends, one wealthy and hip, the other poor and nerdy, fake a blues recording - and then things get weird. The novel becomes a twisty journey about the consequences of cultural appropriation, racism and greed. As the novel progresses, the action becomes less linear -sometimes the present dissolves and boundaries between time periods become loose and fluid. I wasn't always sure if we were in the past or present or somewhere in between. The burden of history is everywhere.

What an ending! I don't think I'll ever get this book out of my mind. I am so excited to have "discovered" Kunzru - and am already plotting which of his novels I will read next!
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Reading Progress

April 8, 2021 – Shelved
April 8, 2021 – Shelved as: audiobook
April 8, 2021 – Shelved as: 2021-tbr-shelf
April 12, 2021 – Started Reading
April 12, 2021 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by Jenna (new)

Jenna ❤ ❀  ❤ Ooh, you've got me excited about this one, Lisa! I loved Kunzru's Red Pill and want to read all of his books. Glad you discovered him too!

Lisa (NY) Yes! Maybe I'll read Red Pill next..

Bianca (GR, we want notifications, pls! ) Consider me intrigued. Adding yet another book ... sigh

Lisa (NY) Bianca wrote: "Consider me intrigued. Adding yet another book ... sigh"

message 5: by Judith (new)

Judith E Sounds confusing but good.

message 6: by Debbie (new) - added it

Debbie You did it again—knocked my TBR pile over. Thanks a lot! Seriously, great review. Must check this one out!

Lisa (NY) Judith wrote: "Sounds confusing but good."Yes, confusing in a good way - it is one of those novels that I can't stop thinking about...

Lisa (NY) Debbie wrote: "You did it again—knocked my TBR pile over. Thanks a lot! Seriously, great review. Must check this one out!"Sorry Debbie - my TBR pile isn't even a pile - it is a mountain.

message 9: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Like Bianca, I'm too intrigued to resist! Great review, Lisa :)

message 10: by Anne (new)

Anne Fabulous review, Lisa. I like others on this thread are intrigued.

message 11: by Barbara (new)

Barbara darn! Now I have to add this to my every growing TBR pile. You provide a motivating review!

Lisa (NY) Candi wrote: "Like Bianca, I'm too intrigued to resist! Great review, Lisa :)"I hope you end up reading and enjoying it Candi!

Lisa (NY) Barbara wrote: "darn! Now I have to add this to my every growing TBR pile. You provide a motivating review!" Thanks Barbara!

Lisa (NY) Anne (on semi-hiatus) wrote: "Fabulous review, Lisa. I like others on this thread are intrigued." Thanks Anne.

Richard (on hiatus) I got really excited when I read Kunzru’s Gods Without Men. Brilliant book! Couldn’t wait to read White Tears, but found that the kindle version was still at hardcover price (on Amazon.U.K)
That was years ago ........ just checked again, still the same! So irritating - I’ve a good mind to call Hari! :)

Bradley Great review. You capture the obscurity of time in this novel perfectly. I remember flying through this until the final 100 pages or so and then needing to sharpen my focus as Kunzru toggled between narratives. I love your line..."and then things get weird" boy do they. Great review.

Lisa (NY) Richard wrote: "I got really excited when I read Kunzru’s Gods Without Men. Brilliant book! Couldn’t wait to read White Tears, but found that the kindle version was still at hardcover price (on Amazon.U.K)
That wa..."
Richard, I'll definitely add "Gods Without Men" to my list. Do you just read Kindle? I found my copy used online.

Lisa (NY) Bradley wrote: "Great review. You capture the obscurity of time in this novel perfectly. I remember flying through this until the final 100 pages or so and then needing to sharpen my focus as Kunzru toggled betwee..."Thanks Bradley!

Richard (on hiatus) Lisa wrote: "Richard wrote: "I got really excited when I read Kunzru’s Gods Without Men. Brilliant book! Couldn’t wait to read White Tears, but found that the kindle version was still at hardcover price (on Ama..."

At the moment I do read mainly on the kindle - I like the changeable font size and backlight etc but maybe I’ll do as you suggest :)

message 20: by Libby (new)

Libby This is an author I don't know, but this book sounds like one I don't want to miss. I've added it to my TBR list. Great review, Lisa :-)

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