Cyber Warrior
Reviews: Review
Rubies of Eventide Yourself!
• wide selection of races and
• support available 24/7
• deep character skill advancement
• a MUD turned into a MMORPG
• combines depth with nice graphics
• needs
more people playing
• lacks a good manual
• install program takes a while to
The Bottom
Line - A relatively undiscovered gem that
deserves more attention from MMORPG players.
Links: Official
Site - Interview
If you ask gamers
what they are looking for in a MMORPG you will
most likely hear answers like great graphics,
intense character customization, freedom to do
what you want to when you want to do it, 24/7
support, and deep game play similar to old school
RPGs. Well, Rubies of Eventide hits most, if not
all, of those qualities right on the head. While
more and more MMORPGs focus on action and graphics
over game play depth, RoE plays more like an old
school RPG on graphical steroids. That should not
come as a total surprise though since Rubies of
Eventide started as a MUD (basically an online RPG
in text only) several years ago. Now RoE can suck
you in with not only its game play but its lush
graphics as well.
Want to get an
idea of how deep this game is? Just go to make a
new character and you will get a good look at
RoE's depth. Besides the usual selection of races
such as human, dwarf, and elf, you may also be an
orc, gnome, leshy (a hovering creature best suited
for magic), or, GameOgre.com's favorite, an ogre.
However, 7 races is nothing compared to the number
of classes available. You can play over 100
classes and it can take a while if you want to
learn about each one. Some of the classes are
mainstays in fantasy RPGs like the wizard,
warrior, and ranger while others like the tailor,
poet, and dark paladin add a certain spice of life
to the game. Next, you will need to choose what
skills (over 50 in the game) you should focus on.
This is where you can really customize your
character the way that you want him or her to be.
Want an ogre poet that can handle himself or
herself in combat? Then put as many points in the
sword skill as you do language skills. Simply put,
the possibilities are endless.
You would think
that a game with great graphics, deep game play,
and heaping amounts of freedom would be packed
constantly right? Sadly, that is not the case with
Rubies of Eventide. While I have enjoyed this game
over the likes of larger MMORPGs like Dark Ages of
Camelot and Asheron's Call 2, this game currently
lacks a large fan base. As I write this review,
there are a total of 36 players on the main
server. That is not a typo, just 36. Despite the
fact that the install program seems to take an
extraordinary long time and the game lacks a solid
manual online, this lack of players is the only
reason Rubies of Eventide does not receive a
higher score in this review. Hopefully, this game
will gather more support as people try it because
RoE stands out remarkably well in the industry as
an old school style RPG with MMORPG graphics.
Game Ogre's
Rating (out of 10):

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