Get access to street-level pollen count with Ambee

Ambee’s NAB-compliant pollen API provides the most accurate pollen count data. Stay clear of high pollen areas, prepare for health risks, and evaluate long-term trends with real-time pollen data. 

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What is pollen count?

Pollen count measures the number of pollen grains per cubic meter of air. Pollen counts of 50 or less are considered low, while 500 or more is high. These measures can differ according to pollen type. The higher the pollen index, the greater the chance that people suffering from hay fever will experience symptoms when they are outdoors or exposed to outdoor air.

population of hay fever


World population experiences allergic rhinitis (hay fever)

chronic allergy treatments in the US


leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S is allergies

respiratory ailments annually in the US


leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S is allergies

Types of pollen that may trigger your allergies

There are three main types of pollen: tree pollen, grass pollen, and weed pollen, and under them feature a multitude of sub-species of each type.

Pollen type
Pollen (34)
Pollen (count/m3), n%
Juniper sp.
Morus alba
1310 (18.45)
162 (2.28)
268 (3.77)
192 (2.70)
Artemisia sp.
Cannabis sativa
Amaranthus sp.
Chenopodium album
Helenium autumnale
368 (5.18)
305 (4.29)
298 (4.20)
260 (3.66)
194 (2.73)
137 (1.93)
Pooideae grasses (e.g. Poa sp., Loliumperenne, Dactylisglomerata)
Cynodon dactylon
485 (6.83)

284 (2.84)
Pooideae grasses (e.g. Poa sp., Loliumperenne, Dactylisglomerata)
Cynodon dactylon
1897 (26.72)

Managing pollen allergies starts with awareness

The presence of pollen in the air can cause sensitive groups to experience symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, itchy throat, and eyes, wheezing. Pollen can also lead to allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and aggravate asthma symptoms. 

The allergies can be categorized into tree pollen allergy, weed pollen allergy, and grass pollen allergy. 

Pollen Seasons
Tree pollen

Tree pollen

is responsible for most spring pollen allergy symptoms. It also often overlaps with grass pollen in the spring and summer. 

Grass pollen

Grass pollen

allergy affects people depending on their location. In Northern U.S, grass pollen appears in the late spring or early summer. In the South, grasses may release pollen during many seasons and could trigger symptoms throughout the year.

Weed pollen

Weed pollen

especially ragweed, causes allergy symptoms for many. About 15% of people in the US are allergic to ragweed pollen. Weed pollen appears in the late summer and fall.

Accurate and NAB-standard pollen APIs for your use case

Ambee, provides global pollen data with a demonstrably high degree of accuracy and street-level granularity. Ambee's proprietary pollen data is generated by combining data from proprietary on-ground sensors, satellites, and multiple open sources. Ambee's pollen data enables anyone, anywhere in the world, to understand their hyperlocal environment in real time. The datasets provided by Ambee are used to power decisions across continents, from startups to Fortune 500 companies. Using the pollen count data, companies can create valuable campaigns and solutions that help their customers not only avoid seasonal allergies but tackle them all together.

Turn pollen count data into actionable insights

Improve healthcare

Handle chronic health conditions efficiently by understanding environmental triggers.

Personalize marketing

Access pollen count by zip code and allergy data for personalized marketing and ad campaigns.

Evaluate risks

Assess future risks to health caused by seasonal pollen exposures.

Enhance customer experience

Increase consumer engagement with real-time pollen updates, personalized alerts.

Optimize products

Optimize workflows, manage anti-allergy product needs, forecast sales better based on real-time, historical data and forecast pollen data

Increase research efforts

Support health research effort with accutrate allergy forecast data

Global businesses making an impact with our pollen data

Kimberly Clark

Kimberly-Clark Corporation

KCC uses Ambee’s pollen data to strengthen their marketing efforts for anti-pollen allergic tissues for the brand Kleenex. They have also created their pollen tracking platform Pollen Pal using our data.



Boots uses Ambee’s hyperlocal pollen data to create personalized marketing campaigns and boost targeted sales efforts. 



Adylic helps brands trigger dynamic ads based on Ambee’s pollen data.

Data redefined through proprietary technology

Collected IconCollected Icon


We harness the power of on-ground sensors, remote satellite imagery, and a global proprietary sensor network to get credible data from multiple sources.

Analyzed IconAnalyzed Icon


Our proprietary models measure, process, and analyze data from over a dozen sources, processing many terabytes of data every day for an accurate result.

Delivered IconDelivered Icon


Real-time, hyperlocal - 1x1 km grid - environmental data is easy to consume through API calls, or on a customized dashboard.

Get Ambee app: Compass for a cleaner & safer world

Stay informed about the pollen levels around you and take appropriate measures with the help of Ambee’s pollen app. Download our app now!

Live Pollen Tracking App
FEATUREs of pollen Index API

Accurate pollen APIs for every pollen species and coordinates

1K free pollen API records/day post subscription
Zero limitations by country or region
Hyperlocal multi-species pollen counts
Track allergy forecast and seasonality for countries across the world
Pollen Response Parameters
Ambee mockup

Case study

historical pollen count by zip countPollen Past History Data

Insights from the past to protect the future

Ambee’s extensive historical pollen data sets can help you gain crucial insights on environmental triggers from the past, to plan ahead for the future.

Frequently asked questions

What are pollen counts?

Pollen counts refer to the number of pollen grains present in the air per standard volume. Counts of 50 or fewer are considered low, while counts of 500 or more are regarded as high.

How are pollen counts measured?

Traditionally, pollen count has been calculated using air-sampling devices such as the Burkard Sampler or the Rotorod Sampler. However, this method is considered outdated. At Ambee, we examine multiple pollen stations’ historical data and patterns while taking into account other phenological factors and behaviors. Using the power of proprietary AI and ML models, Ambee’s virtual pollen monitoring station provides reliable and accurate pollen counts.

How can we check pollen count?

To access accurate pollen count data, you can utilize Ambee's API dashboard for free access to 30 days of data. For enterprise-level requirements, consider subscribing to an Ambee enterprise plan. Alternatively, obtain instant access to daily pollen counts through the Ambee pollen app, available on both the Play Store and the App Store.

What are the different types of pollen?

There are three main types of pollen: tree pollen, grass pollen, and weed pollen. Under these types, there are numerous subspecies within each category.

What is considered a high pollen count?

A high pollen count varies depending on the pollen type. Generally, a high pollen count is considered to be: Trees: 90-1499, Grass: 20-199, and Weed: 50-499.

What time in the year pollen counts are high?

Pollen counts vary throughout the year depending on the type of plant. Tree pollen typically peaks in the spring, often overlapping with grass pollen. Grass pollen season generally occurs in late spring or early summer in the northern U.S., while it can persist throughout the year in the South. Weed pollen typically appears in late summer and fall.

What are the different kinds of pollen allergies?

Pollen allergies can be categorized into tree pollen allergy, weed pollen allergy, and grass pollen allergy.