
A Beginner’s Guide to Camera Shots and Angles

Close-up or medium shot? High angle or POV shot? What type of camera angle is best? We break down the basic camera shot types so you can storyboard your video or animation sequence with confidence! For video makers, film directors and animators using the correct, conventional camera terminology is key to giving the impression that you know what you’re doing! One of the basics is learning how to describe the framing of your subject matter to other people. This is where you’ll want to brush up on the language (or grammar) of camera shots. Of course, you can simply disregard all of the tried and tested findings from a hundred years of cinema, and develop your own unique style of communicating! But, it’s important to know the rules before you break them. Bear in mind everyone in the television and film industry will be using the same lingo, so don’t…    read more 

A Beginner’s Guide to Camera Shots and Angles

Close-up or medium shot? High angle or POV shot? What type of camera angle is best? We break down the basic camera shot types so you can storyboard your video or animation sequence with confidence! For video makers, film directors and animators using the correct, conventional camera terminology is key to giving the impression that you know what you’re doing! One of the basics is learning how to describe the framing of your subject matter to other people. This is where you’ll want to brush up on the language (or grammar) of camera shots. Of course, you can simply disregard all of the tried and tested findings from a hundred years of cinema, and develop your own unique style of communicating! But, it’s important to know the rules before you break them. Bear in mind everyone in the television and film industry will be using the same lingo, so don’t…    read more