Sermon: Daring To Be Our DNA: Cathedral Church of St. Paul’s 200th Anniversary
Cathedral’s 200th Anniversary
Mark 13: 1-8
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Bonnie A. Perry
November 17, 2024
“Taking risks, creating partnerships, being a nexus for collaboration and transformation in times of crisis is in our DNA. In this time in our country, we are needed to be people who create safe havens, who risk our safety and well-being for others. We’ve done it before and I long for us to be the people who live out our faith in tangible ways. Today as we worship God, and celebrate two centuries of amazing ministry, I deeply desire that we who are gathered here, know in our souls that we are called to risk and dream and dare to make a profound difference in our world. It is our call, it is our history, it is our DNA.”