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The Company We Keep

Updated Apr 22, 2013, 04:07pm EDT
This article is more than 10 years old.

Lee Clow, now at TBWA, once wrote about a lesson he learned from the President of a client company. When they were shooting a commercial, the President said something like “Look, Lee, I don’t want to talk about all the things we do. Our competition can just duplicate them. I want people to like us.

Clow said he never forgot that. I never did, either.

There are all kinds of ways for companies to get people to like them and I wrote about many of them in my book, Customers For Keeps.

Lately, though, I’ve been rethinking the whole idea, mostly because the old “liking” issue usually involved human contact and we seem to be moving away from that. I suspect that we’ll keep moving away from it. For instance, I read this morning that Google Glasses will eventually allow us to recede completely into the Internet where there are no real humans at all.

Making matters worse, the quality of our human contacts seems to be, what’s the right word here, deteriorating?, whether it involves actual humans or fake online humans.

Some companies are still brilliant at likeability, though: Amazon online; American Airlines and 1-800-CONTACTS on the phone; and Macy’s and Royal Caribbean in person - to pick just a few. And I’ve been a customer of all of them forever, mostly because I like them.

I suspect that the companies we keep focus on likeability and the companies we abandon may not even know it’s a factor.

For people like me, and there are lots of people like me, there seem to be four main factors at play in the likeability world.

People like other people. Yesterday, I had to call my new mortgage lender (Bank of America had sold me down the river). I got an annoying automated voice that kept asking questions that had nothing to do with what I needed. There was no get-a-human option. This is a not a likeable company.

Remoteness and company size tend to smother likeability in the absence of concerted efforts to maintain it. The champions of likeability are businesses with on-site owners and affable, knowledgeable staff. I’ll bet if you think about it, you’ll find that most of your favorite places are like that: restaurants, bars, coffee shops, dry cleaners, mechanics, etc. 

People need a community. I like to be part of things so I’m a member of all kinds of communities. I’m on Boards, a reader of many newspapers and magazines, a frequent traveler (in groups) and all of these activities help me to feel connected. It’s a small thing that can reap huge rewards. Michael’s is a belong-to-a-community kind of business. So is Costco. FedEx used to be. Saturn was until GM execs couldn’t help themselves and leaped in with their heavy-handed style. Harley Davidson. And, of course, those owner-on-site small businesses. A general rule might be that likeability starts at the top and it’s not an accident – it’s part of the mission.

Trust is a major issue. When my parents were young, trusting was much more common than it is today. We knew the local policeman and even the mayor of our small town. There was less contact with strangers. But the world is more impersonal today and the media is full of stories that horrify us. I want to trust again, and I want to feel that people me are honest and won’t do anything awful. I used to trust Bank of America, silly me.

Who doesn’t like to be recognized? Isn’t a nice feeling when you go somewhere and people recognize you and say hello? Think of the theme song from Cheers:Where Everybody Knows Your Name”. Amazon sends me an email when a favorite author has written a new book. eBay sends recommendations for vintage jewelry. Some companies send birthday cards.

We all know that companies can’t be our real life friends, but they can touch emotional chords that inspire trust, confidence and affection.

It is a very powerful marketing concept.

Often it begins with knowing and understanding who your customer is. And you can’t do that all at once. This week I received a long satisfaction survey from a bank I’ve been with for a long time. It was self-serving and tedious overkill. Ed Koch had this kind of thing right when he was Mayor of New York “How’m I doin’?” he’d shout to people on the street. People loved Ed Koch. They’re not overly fond of banks.

How are you doing in the noble pursuit of getting your customers to like you? Is it an acknowledged part of your mission? I’d love to hear about it. Please comment below.