
Carmen M. Allison leads Human Resources and Administration for the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Allison leads a team of eighteen associates and is responsible for all aspects of the People and Talent Strategy for the Hoover Institution including creating an engaging culture, developing leadership talent, organizational design, performance management and HR administration. Allison has twenty-five years of experience as a human resources practitioner and leading high performing talent teams at Pepsico/YumBrands, Gap 25 Inc. and most recently at Williams-Sonoma, Inc. as the SVP of Human Resources for Pottery Barn Brands. She received her B.S. in Business from Northern Arizona University, completed her MBA and completed her Ed.D. doctorate in Education from the University of Pennsylvania. Allison is a certified executive coach from Columbia University and is an Agile Scrum practitioner. Allison grew up in Leavenworth, Kansas and felt the call to serve. She is a U.S. Army veteran, having led soldiers at Ft. Bliss, Texas, Taegu, Korea, and West Point Military Academy, and served during Operation Desert Storm. Allison currently lives in San Francisco with her family.

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