
Eryn Witcher Tillman is an associate director and the Bechtel Director of Media and Government Relations at the Hoover Institution. In this role, she oversees and manages media relations and press strategy, government relations, internal communications, book publicity, journalist programs, and public affairs events. Tillman also oversees Hoover’s Washington, DC office, which works closely with Capitol Hill, the legislative and executive branches, and third-party groups to foster relationships that further Hoover’s mission of promoting ideas that define a free society.

Before joining Hoover, Tillman spent nearly three years as White House assistant press secretary and director of television, working with White House correspondents and preparing administration officials for television interviews. From 2004 to 2006, Tillman served as press secretary at the Environmental Protection Agency, where she led the agency’s media response to Hurricane Katrina. She also served as a special assistant to Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao.

Tillman’s experience in the news media was as a producer for MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews. She also worked on Capitol Hill as the press secretary for Senator Bob Smith and as deputy press secretary for Senator Paul Coverdell.

Tillman, a California native, has a bachelor's degree in public relations and a master's in public policy from Pepperdine University.

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