
Jeffrey M. Jones is the Associate Director of Facilities, Operations & Events at the Hoover Institution. In this capacity, he oversees Hoover’s physical resources, guides an active events team, and leads large-scale capital improvement projects. Jones is responsible for the planning and execution of the new George P. Shultz building. The 55,084 square foot facility includes offices for fellows, conference space, and a digitization studio for the archives.

At Hoover, Jones has managed a variety of institutional programs, including book production/ distribution, VIP leadership events, and outreach products. He led the design, construction, and opening in 2017 of the David and Joan Traitel Building, the first new Hoover facility on Stanford’s campus in nearly four decades. Jones is a former research fellow who specialized in U.S. poverty policy, focusing on welfare reform, employment benefits, housing, and federal entitlement programs.

Jones’ career began in the field of social work as an AmeriCorps*VISTA member assisting the homeless in Rockford, IL. He was the executive director of a nonprofit jobs agency serving disadvantaged populations and implementing various welfare-to-work programs.

The son of an Air Force pilot, Jones has a bachelor’s degree in political science from Wheaton College and a master’s in public policy from Pepperdine University. He lives in Menlo Park with his wife and four children.

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