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Key facts

  • Boils are painful, red, pus-filled lumps on your skin caused by an infection of hair follicles.
  • Boils can happen anywhere, but most often in hairy areas that sweat or rub, such as your face, neck, under armpits, groin, vagina, inner thigh and buttocks.
  • Small boils can be treated by placing a warm compress on the boil several times a day to help the pus to drain.
  • Larger boils may need to be treated by making a cut in the boil to help the pus drain as well as by taking antibiotics.
  • It is important not to squeeze or pop boils, as this can be very painful and can spread the infection.

What are boils?

Boils are painful, red, pus-filled lumps on your skin caused by an infection of hair follicles. One infected hair follicle is called a furuncle, and a group of infected follicles joined together is known as a carbuncle.

Boils can occur anywhere, but most often in hairy areas that sweat or rub, such as your:

  • face or neck
  • armpits
  • groin or vagina
  • inner thigh or buttocks.
A photo showing a boil thats formed on a persons jawline
A photo of a boil caused by an infected hair follicle on the jawline.

What are the symptoms of boils?

Symptoms of boils include:

  • a red, tender lump with a white or yellow centre
  • pain
  • feeling unwell and having fevers, particularly with a large boil

What are the causes of boils?

Boils are usually caused by infection with the bacteria staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria usually live on your skin without causing harm, but can sometimes infect hair follicles, for example, if the skin is broken. The infection can spread to other parts of your body, or to other people.

Anyone can develop a boil. You are more at risk if:

An illustration showing a healthy hair follicle on the left, compared to one infected on the right. Leading to a pus filled lump.
An illustration showing a healthy hair follicle on the left, compared to one infected on the right. Leading to a pus filled lump.

When should I see my doctor?

You can look after small boils on your own, but you may need to see your doctor for treatment of large boils. If a boil spreads, gets worse quickly or you develop a fever, you should see your doctor. You should also see your doctor if the boil is on your face, if it is very painful or if it hasn’t healed in 2 weeks.

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How are boils diagnosed?

Your doctor will diagnose a boils based on its appearance on your skin, and checking for other symptoms of infection, such as pain or fever. If there is discharge from the boil, your doctor may take a swab to help identify the bacteria causing the boil.

ASK YOUR DOCTOR — Preparing for an appointment? Use the Question Builder for general tips on what to ask your GP or specialist.

How are boils treated?

Boils should be kept clean and covered.

Pus needs to drain before a boil will heal. This may happen by itself, but sometimes your doctor will need to treat it.

For small boils, you can put a clean warm compress on the boil several times a day. This may help the pus to drain.

For larger boils and carbuncles, see your doctor. They may need to make a small cut in the boil to help the pus drain, and you may need antibiotics. Large boils and carbuncles can leave a scar on the skin.

It is important not to squeeze or pop boils, as this can be very painful and can spread the infection.

How are boils prevented?

Boils and skin infections can be prevented by;

  • washing hands often with soap
  • bathing and showering regularly
  • not scratching at scabs
  • cleaning and covering scratches and cuts
  • not sharing towels or personal items like razors

Complications of boils

Boils do not usually cause complications. Sometimes there is a cluster of boils (carbuncle). If you have a carbuncle, you may have fever and feel generally unwell. Carbuncles are more likely to need antibiotics and see a doctor to have the pus drained.

Cellulitis (infection of the soft tissue around the carbuncle) can sometimes occur, but this is not common.

Resources and support

For more information about the causes, diagnosis and treatment of boils see the NSW Health — Boils and skin infections fact sheet.

Call healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 at any time to speak to a registered nurse (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria) for more information and advice.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: June 2023

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Need more information?

These trusted information partners have more on this topic.

Top results

Boils - Better Health Channel

Some areas of the body are more susceptible to boils, including the face, throat, armpits, groin and buttocks.

Read more on Better Health Channel website

Staphylococcus aureus infection | Health and wellbeing | Queensland Government

A boil is an infection of a hair follicle, caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.

Read more on Queensland Health website

Boils -

Boils (furuncles) are inflamed, pus-filled areas under the skin that look like oversized pimples. Boils can be treated with simple self-help measures but sometimes need to be drained and treated with antibiotics.

Read more on MyDoctor website

Abscesses & boils in children & teens | Raising Children Network

An abscess or boil is a build-up of pus in the skin. The skin will be inflamed, swollen, warm and tender. If a boil doesn’t burst by itself, see a GP.

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Boils and skin infections fact sheet - Fact sheets

Boils and skin infections are usually caused by bacteria. Avoid sharing items and wash hands thoroughly, especially after touching skin infections.

Read more on NSW Health website

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