I'm all about plot and story and this film had the potential of being a hit in these areas with all that is introduced into the movie, but unfortunately most of this potential is just never realized. For example, I'm still not sure what the star's retirement from a school had to do with anything, but it would have been nice if that was developed more. And as mentioned by another reviewer, the name of the movie seems not to fit, but that's because they never really explained God's compass in the storyline. Sure, we knew the lead's husband liked boats and he had compasses and she talked about God leading us in the right direction, but because it was the title, it needed MORE. Perhaps those connecting scenes were left on the cutting room floor. Also, I'm not sure why both reviewers thought the acting was good. Yes, the lead, Karen Ambercrombie, was amazing. And the juvenile delinquent she cares for, Joey Ibanez, fit the part perfectly, but almost everyone else was various degrees of not quite realistic to just plain awful. For instance, Jessica (Jazelle Foster) is laughing and happy in the car when they come across her husband and Eli (Ibanez) looking for Eli's sister. Why it doesn't work is because even though her recently born child is doing better, he is still in the hospital in neonatal care. I'm not saying this movie isn't worth watching, I'm just saying that I know it could have been so much better, but it almost had a low budget feel. For instance, the sound seemed a bit off in a few places. Not even close to War Room.