Gene Orowitz: [after their vehicles collide at the drive-in] Aw, shit. Look at that fender!
Gene Orowitz: Well, look what you did to my car! Why don't you look what you're doing?
Robert Woods: Are you trying to say it was my fault?
[he shoves Gene]
Gene Orowitz: Will you lay off?
Robert Woods: [smiles] Well, lookie here. Little Gene is bad. Come on, what are you going to do about it, huh?
[shoves Gene again]
Gene Orowitz: Lay off!
Robert Woods: [shoves Gene again] What are you going to do about it?
Cathy Stanton: [fearful] Gene, get in the car, please.
Robert Woods: That's right, Gene. You better get in that car before you get another set of bandages.
Bonnie Barnes: [firmly] Robert.
Robert Woods: [annoyed] What?
Bonnie Barnes: Leave him alone.
Robert Woods: I am not doing anything! He's the one looking so mean. In fact, I think he wants to fight. I told you. I'll give you two punches. Come on, give me your best shot.
[Gene just stands there]
Robert Woods: Well, come on, jew boy, give me your best shot, huh?
[Gene still does not move]
Robert Woods: Well, come on!
[after a brief pause, Gene strikes Robert in the face sending him into a series of food trays, much to his and everyone else's shock, and he returns to his car]
Gene Orowitz: [to Cathy] I'm sorry you had to see that.
Cathy Stanton: [smiles] It's perfectly all right with me.
[they drive off while an injured Robert is seen struggling trying to get up]