In what turned out to be the last in the Lemon Popsicle series, there's a change of attitude and some characterizations. Way past high school age, Huey (Zachi Noy), Benji (Yiftach Katzur), and Bobby (Jonathan Sagall) decide to rebuild a long-dilapidated bar. They enlist the daughter of the landlord who's not the usual sex symbol or ethereal beauty that permeate these movies for help running the place. Her name is Polly (Elfi Eschke) and she has a massive crush on bad boy Bobby who actually seems interested in her too which is unusual for him. I'll just now mention that this seems like a Cinderalla tale but there's some twists that one may or not be able to predict if one is familiar with certain movies. This time, while there's some nudity, there are no sex scenes despite the presence of some of the women from previous entries. Oh, and I should also mention that I couldn't find an English-dubbed version so I settled for the German language one so despite that I noticed some visual gags, some of which were funny. Star Noy thought up the story and so it's mainly about him. Also, this film seemed more dramatic than usual for the series. With all that, I quite enjoyed Summertime Blues. A little more than a decade later, an attempted reboot happened called The Party Goes On which I'll review next...