It's good to finally start seeing ole Delta again after all those years after "Delta" flopped. And with all the comedic roles she's had since she's seriously started acting again, I really enjoyed seeing her dramatic side. The movie itself isn't Oscar quality, but it's about average for "Made-For-TV." The thing that sets it apart is that focuses on an all too frequent problem these days: parental abuse. Now I am not a parent, myself. However I do watch my mother deal with my brother and it scared me at some points during this movie to see some of the same things happening and what they can turn into. The character of "Jack" is a far too accurate portrayal of teenagers today. Anytime he does something wrong, he is able to either talk his way out of it by changing the subject, or let's his temper get out of whack and throw things across the room. His mother doesn't know what to do about it, so she's passes it off as a phase and moves on, which even I know is a big no-no in parenting. But then, what is she supposed to do? She's the only one who really sees the extent of what he is actually capable, so nobody knows what to tell her, as far as what to do. She could defend herself, but, even if she could bring herself to do that, the law would look at it as child abuse since "Protect the Children" is the main thing these days. At any rate, this is a good movie to watch, moreso as research and warning than anything else.