In a recent interview, producer/star Becky LeBeau explained how she started producing this video series. "What inspired me was I had done a video in 1988, I'm guessing, for a producer/friend of mine. It was shot in Palm Springs. I was there as a celebrity judge to judge a bikini contest. I think it was a Coppertone bikini contest. The next day, I went to a house on location in Palm Springs, California, to shoot some footage of me around a pool. It was for a video called Becky Bubbles, which capitalized on my role as 'Bubbles' in Back to School. As I noticed the popularity of the 'Becky Bubbles' video, which had wide distribution in the video stores, I thought to myself, 'well, here's this guy making all this money, and all he did was shoot this simple video of me. I didn't really do much, just lay around, jumped in a pool and paddled around'. I thought, 'well, why can't I produce something like that?' I subsequently proceeded to write a script, not a very good one I might add, entitled Calling All Bimbos. I cast the movie through the local trade magazines in Hollywood, and long story short, it just never really came together. Equipment broke down on the first day that we had it (laughing), and we just had to cancel the whole thing. I was kind of depressed about this situation initially, as I had the whole shoot planned, locations and all. Since we still had the video production equipment for several days, I think it was the 4th Of July weekend, when I woke up the next morning I thought, 'well, you know, we have all this equipment. We've gotten it fixed. Why don't we shoot some video like I did for Becky Bubbles and all the other similar striptease type videos,' so we did. I shot a video photo session, and then went over to my father-in-law's pool and shot for more footage. I didn't know what to call it, so I came up with Soft Bodies, the antithesis to the hard body. Soft Bodies, is a series which features girls with naturally large breasts and without muscular builds like me! When I needed to edit the Original Soft Bodies show, that's when I met my editor former actor from Hollywood Hot Tubs and put together a 30 minute program. I then secured a couple of distributors. It started appearing in some video stores and it was a success. I then continued on. I wrote all the music for everything. And, that's how it started."