Stumbled across this short on Youtube while researching cameras and found to be a very well-made short from what appears to be a very small team. Cinematography, editing, and music were the highlights for me here, as well as the overall story and its length.
This was an effective horror short film that introduced and set up the scare, built some tension, and paid it off. Shorts like this can easily get into "boring" territory by burning too slow, but this film made its point, told its story (with a nice twist!), and got out in an effective length of time.
As a stated, I came across this researching cameras and wanted to see what a narrative looked like shot with a Canon C200. This short was an excellent representation of the camera's capabilities.
Overall, this was a very good horror short that I felt compelled to take the time to rate and review, something I rarely do. Keep up the good work!