This anime series is set in a world where some people have magical powers. Those that do form the noble families and children are expect to start developing their powers in their early teens. Melida Angel has so far shown no sign of developing powers and her father suspects she may not be his daughter. He has hired Kufa Vampir to act as her tutor and if she fails to manifest any powers he is to kill her. He doesn't follow his instructions; instead he gives some of his power giving mana to her enabling her to show powers... the only problem is that she isn't the class she should be so must hide her class. Over the course of the series Kufa, Melida, and school mates will face a variety of tests and dangers.
This is a solid enough fantasy anime; it might not stand out in this crowded genre but it passes the time nicely and has some good ideas. As things get dangerous towards the end the tension rises nicely. The characters are pretty good so it is easy to care for them in these perilous situations. The animation is pretty good and the character designs suitably distinctive. Overall a decent enough series which fans of the genre should enjoy.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.