No, the series does not have Emmy award winning actors. However there is a big "YES!" for this documentary showing us when these unknown actors became totally immersed in their either redeeming, or unredeeming, characters, big commitment, and big change happened. Which, in an equally big turn, brought them from total obscurity, to world wide - and unexpected - recognition.
I fell in love with this addicting series because even the worst situation, or character, was not all bad. It was the slow unravelling to the dark, or even light side, that made my attraction to the series even more compelling. The writers made the situations unique, and the characters 'flawfully' human. Which made it all the more identifiable, as it is colorfullly explained by all, in the documentary.
This series, and even this documentary, gave me a new appreciation for problem handling, and how to spend "quality time", with not so quality people, and unsavory politics...
There are real movements, against all kinds of oppression, that the lives of these fictional characters have influenced. We learn, in the documentary, that not only the cast, crew, and actors, but people from everywhere have, and are being changed, because of the imaginative, and heartfelt writing and directing (and let's not forget producing) from this emotionally charged series.
This documentary will show you how it all started, and the even more addictive "behind the scenes" looks that will help lock you into to each character, and storyline, even more.
Thanks to all of the the writers, producers, and actors (on Netflix, and everywhere) who continually keep righting wrongs, and publishing writes, that help keep us emotionally involved - and motivated - while "self isolating" in this boring interlude, of what is supposed to be our "active lives" .