First of all I want to say that velayudham is not only for Vijay Fans to watch.Its a good family entertainer.Direct M.Raja always good at directing movies with huge star cast .yet again he as done it in "Velayudham"
The cast includes "Vijay" ,Hanshika,Genilia,Santhanam,Shayaji shinde.....the list goes on.The movie is a great ride for those who like the humor.Having Santhanam leading the troop there are totally 30 comedy actors who shared screen space with him.
Story: The crux of the story revolves around Bharathi(Genelia),is a genuine reporter who want to the baddies to be punished.In the process she creates a fictional character(Super Hero) named "Velayudham".In the Village ,Velayudham(Vijay) and her sister Kavery(Saranya Mohan) makes chaos in the Villages by playing pranks on the people.
Later Vijay comes to chennai to collect the money which he invested in chit fund for her sister's Marriage.Vijay unknowingly saves people from danger and people think it is the fictional character(Velayudham) who does it.At a later point of time Genailia explains Vijay about the fictional character "Velayudham" and how people are trusting him as superhero.She also request him to continue beating the baddies.
Did Vijay accept it?.Did Velayudham punishes all the baddies ..forms the rest of the story.
Vijay has done a phenomenal job.This is what he is so good at..entertaining people.Let it be his dance or comical sequences with santhanam.he has simply rocked in all the departments.
Genelia has done a fair job considering her space in the movie.
Its difficult to believe Hanshika as village girl but she has tried her hand in the comedy which has come out good.
Santhanam has an unsuccessful thief ,tickles the ribs in every scene.His combination with Vijay works out pretty well
Even though the film as a huge Star cast ..Raja has brought the best out of every body in the silver screen.
Music: Songs are the huge plus for Velayudham.all the songs were chart busters even before the release of the movie.Chilax being the mass hit of the all.All the songs were refreshing and different.Re-Recording and music takes velayudham to the next level.
Screen Play: The movie has a good screenplay but it had have been even more racy if some action sequences got trimmed.The Train stunt sequence was excellent.At the end of the sequence it gives the feeling the movie got over but the movie still continues after it.Mind you its run time is 3 hour 20 minutes if I am not wrong.but the clever thing about the director is to bring back santhanam for the village sequence so the audience never felt bored.Raja managed to keep the audience through out.Another good thing about the movie is not revealing the true identity of Velayudham even at end of the movie
Dialogues: Dialogues by Subha is one of the pluses for the Velayudham. all the dialogues were short and meaningful.The lengthier one should be the one in Climax where he speaks to the public.Considering the message the length seems a valid one.
Conclusion: Logic is something you have to forget while u watching commercial movie.Velayudham is no exception but Raja packaged it very neatly with a good presentation thus making it a enjoyable movie.Overall a great family entertainer and right movie for the festive mood