Little Women era (I think?) orphanage kids hopping around and settling in a militant style orphanage during Christmas time is the plot.
This was an odd movie to rate as there was lots of juxtaposition between great and cringey acting as well as driving plot points next to ones that didn't make much sense. I initially thought it was a Hallmark movie for some reason, but Hallmark doesn't allow their stories to get that dark. Hallmark movies don't make me want to go Lecter on certain characters behaving badly.
Edward Herrmann and Nancy Stafford deliver excellent performances as usual. The main child is also top notch. A few other decent actors mixed with a slew of average or worse ones. Kinda like playing fantasy sports and getting a couple of the best players then you are already out of points so dole it out amongst the scrubs.
Overall, it's a beautiful film and shows how being surrounded by love makes you able to combat and even convert the hate of others, while those spending too much time in the hate begin spreading it themselves. The overall message trumps the problems with the film.
Oh, and when you are poor and the scurvy is setting in, an orange for Christmas is the best gift ever.