Betrayal: The Perfect Husband (2023) left me feeling like I'd been betrayed by the movie itself! This cinematic trainwreck attempts to depict a love story gone sour, but ends up souring the entire viewing experience. First off, it's a betrayal in itself that the film centers more on the wife of the perpetrator, Jen Faison, rather than on the actual victims of Spencer Herron's despicable actions. It's like having a crime movie and focusing on the criminal's favorite sandwich instead of the investigation.
To make matters worse, the movie takes cringe to a new level with its awkward commercial segments shamelessly plugging the "Betrayal" podcast. I mean, come on, I didn't sign up for an infomercial! And don't get me started on the absurd pop music choices that felt like they were randomly thrown in, making me question if this film knew what it was trying to be. Betrayal: The Perfect Husband is a perfect example of how not to handle such a sensitive subject matter in a movie. It's a cinematic betrayal of our time and sanity. A Perfectly Awful Mess.