I just happened to stumble upon the 2023 comedy show "Mark Normand: Soup to Nuts" while looking for stand-up on Netflix. And with this being a comedian I had never heard about, of course I opted to sit down and watch the show.
Turns out that Mark Normand was a funny guy. His jokes were good and he wasn't scared to cross the line of what would be perhaps considered going too far, in terms of the contents of the material. I liked that aspect of his comedy and show, because he dared to say what we all are thinking, but most people are too scared to give voice to.
Mark Normand wasn't wasting time in between jokes dawdling around with filler material. The delivery of one joke was spot on, and then on to setting up the next already. And there was a good transition between the contents of the material that he delivered.
He feels very natural on the stage, and that certainly added to the overall impression of the show.
There were some good laughs throughout the course of the 53 minutes that the show ran for.
I was adequately entertained by watching "Mark Normand: Soup to Nuts", and it certainly is a comedian well-worth checking out.
My rating of "Mark Normand: Soup to Nuts" lands on a six out of ten stars.