This could've been an awesome movie. Awesome hand to hand combat, gun fight choreography was pretty cool, very decent script, the main character was awesome, it didn't look or felt like a cheap movie, no stupid crazy CGI either. But there was one character perhaps the actress that spoiled this movie for me. The FBI chief Naomi was mega odd, no eye contact in common scenes, oily shiny almost glitter face like she was on the way to a pageant. Her age didn't match the roll of a CIA chief, her acting with her subordinate agent looked mage staged. It looked like when you forced a model to act. In the other hand the actors playing the rolls of Sophia and the Ghost were young but really good. The actor playing thw painter was also really good, I hope he gets a chance to do more action thrills like this one.
There was only one scene the director needed to improve. The car chase that leads to ambus - the main character just magically shapes, with baddies on his 12 & 6 o'clock, he was able to make it out; made no sense! This needed a continuity scene, such as he drives off the road into the thick tree line and exits the vehicle taking cover with it. In thw movie he just vanished and he ends up in the deep forest from one scene to the next.