I didn't have high hopes for this series and I wasn't wrong. Story of a family with an overworked mother who for some reason tolerates a useless man who keeps studying for the state exam instead of working and supporting his family. Why on earth would she tolerate this? Her daughter has progressive blindness which will cost a massive amount of money to cure.
The blind girl asks a total stranger to sleep with her because she will soon be totally blind. Not sure of her reasoning there. Being a typical man (and of course the step son of a very rich man) he obliges her. Says he will phone but never does. Eight years later they cross paths again and she still has his number?
Of course in this enemies to lovers trope she breaks her stick hitting him ad when he takes her home she lies about what happened even threatens him with a hot iron. She doesn't seem to have any moral compass.
Off we go to the grandparents - and a boring scenario of them being old and having cancer but still wanting to go on treks etc - this goes on and on.
I am told this is a comedy - but I don't find lying funny. I also have no interest in boring family scenes which have no relevance to the love story. The episodes are far too long and boring and without any kind of charm.
It de-pressed me and sent me to sleep.