Another mind-bender from Dan Martinico and Company. A disarmingly upbeat if not seemingly conventional opening (attractive couple arrives at their envy-inducing country place) soon turns into a strange slapstick comedy, a comedy which gets progressively stranger until one is almost frightened to look at the screen (not because of slashing killers or zombies but by the arrival two cheerful weekend guests). Soon, human behavior is pushed to the extreme. The commitment of the four actors who take us on their bizarre psychic journey, and the steady gaze of the director (who seems to be having a blast, along with lead actor and co-writer Hugo Armstrong - with actors Mandy Freund, Cody Henderson, and Jacqueline Wright never less than real - which makes them so scary) put this at the top of my list of modern head-trip cinematic experiences. Consider yourself warned -- but I absolutely loved it! Somewhere, Luis Bunuel is smiling.