"Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV" is an excellent anime series that provides a fantastic prequel to the popular video game Final Fantasy XV. It is an underrated gem that deserves more recognition, and here's why.
First and foremost, the series is incredibly engaging and fun to watch. Each episode is short, yet packed with plenty of action, humor, and character development. The animation is beautiful, and the voice acting is superb, bringing the characters to life in a way that is both entertaining and emotionally engaging.
While every episode is worth watching, there are two particular standouts. Episode two delves into the relationship between Noctis and Prompto, showcasing the latter's insecurities and struggles with being a friend to the prince. Meanwhile, episode five provides an excellent story that's intense and properly develops Noctis and his relationship with his father. Episode 5 in my mind has to be probably one of the best anime episodes I've ever watched, it adds such a good touch to FFXV.
Overall, "Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV" is an essential watch for anyone who is a fan of the Final Fantasy franchise. It provides an excellent backstory to the game's characters, and even for those who haven't played the game, the series is still an enjoyable and entertaining anime in its own right. Its short runtime makes it perfect for a quick binge, and it's a shame that more people haven't given this underrated gem the attention it deserves.