This Spanish series is set in sixteenth century Seville when an outbreak of the bubonic plague has caused the city to be closed; much to the consternation of merchants involved in trade with the Spanish colonies in the New World. If concerns about illness weren't enough there have been a series of murders; Mateo Núñez, a former soldier who has returned to Seville to find the son of a friend despite being condemned by the inquisition for printing heretical works, is told he will be spared if he investigates the crimes.
If you like your historical dramas sanitised with healthy looking characters then this isn't for you. Even without the omnipresent threat of the plague most of the story is set in dark, filthy back alleys where violence could lurk around any corner. I confess that I found the story a little confusing at times but as it reached its conclusion it really came together and we get a solid conclusion. There are some fairly disturbing scene; including the sight of people being burnt at the stake. The cast does an impressive job, making us believe in their characters. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of historical dramas that don't sugar-coat the past.
These comments are based on watching the series in Spanish with English subtitles.