The movie is pretty much emotional and, I admit, it made me cry at the end, but besides that, really nothing special. If you watch it you won't regret it, but if you skip it you won't miss much. Technically speaking, the movie is OK, it does not fail anywhere, but it does not impress either, and the acting is good. The plot is ordinary occupation story, with the fact that in Europe we are used to seeing German occupation of European countries while here we have Japanese occupation of Korea. But besides location and different race of actors, this is basically nothing new. I believe that younger generations of Japanese and Korean people should see it, but for the rest of the world, I doubt it is too interesting. Honestly, I was a bit bored. Not enough to give up on it, but if, for example, I was forced to stop watching for some reason, I believe I would not continue later. I would probably completely forget about it. Leading actress is real sweetheart thou, and she was great in her role, but besides that overall impression of the movie is
Eight months later, when I was watching "The Last Emperor", I had the impression that some parts of it were very familiar, as if I had already watched it, and I was sure I didn't. It was only in the last scene that I realized why, because the loan was so large that it could not go unnoticed. "The Last Princess" was apparently created after the model of "The Last Emperor". The titles of the films are almost identical, the story has a lot of similarities, and the end of "The Last Princess" is almost copied from "The Last Emperor". The fact is that the stories of the last Korean princess and the last Chinese emperor by their very nature must have some similarities, but the similarity of these two films is too large to be attributed to coincidence. All other similarities could be accidental, although I do not believe they are, but the end is definitely ripped off.