With the excellent MJ album of the same name, or the definition of thriller which cannot be found in this film. Rating this flick as a 3. It isnt the most horrible movie ive ever seen and there were a few decent performances, mainly from the Concerned Principal and Hot Teacher trying to Make a Difference. I really liked the illustrations in the credits- they were actually pretty well done. Our story starts out with a gaggle of bratty 10 year olds playing a cruel trick on kind hearted Chauncy. After an accidental death, that could have easily been avoided had the little demon spawns merely not acted like gigantic jerks, the kids decide to blame Chauncy. Hes hauled off to juvie, after promising to get them all back. Four years later, the bratty 10 year olds have evolved into 26 year old high schoolers. Every horror cliche imaginable is featured here. We have the Good Girl going out with Mr. All Star. Bimbo McSluttyton, who has mental issues and plays with her hair a lot and stuffs her bra. Psycho Tough Girl, who seems hell-bent on ending up in federal prison. Love-lorn Loser and Guy With Glasses. Requisite Minority of the Bunch, here represented as a Latina. A douchy R. Kelly-esque sleazebag who has no problems sleeping with a maybe legal, maybe not groupie. Even a crabby Asian store keeper and Drunk Mama! Anyway, our merry band of stereotypes have lots of fun adventures and do lots of great things for their community. JK, LOL! No, they totally are only really focused on the big homecoming dance, and can you really blame them? After all, they're in their mid 20s, they've probably only had 7 or 8 of these things. They become mildly concerned when they find out Chauncy has been released from juvie. They become slightly more concerned when various members of the gang begin turning up dead. Dun-dun-DUN!!!! Who is doing it??? And, WHY?? Welp, you'll just have to see the explosive ending!!! Anyway, this is the kind of mindless tripe i enjoy watching, because it makes me feel better about my bad life choices. No matter my failures, ive never starred in a really wretched movie.