Released in 1995, considering the subject matter, is actually quite tame, and boring in parts. A man, Steven, kills himself in an apartment, and sets a fire. Later, Alex and Tom move into the apartment. There are still burn marks and red writings on the wall. And there is a black cat that seems to want to make their place his home. The cat manages to trip Alex down the stairs and sends her to the hospital. By this point, the music used really detracts from the film, not an asset to the film. Anyway, along comes Lilith, says Steven was her brother, and she is there to collect his things. The number of cats around increases, and so does the ardor of Lilith for Tom, and the make up used is quite good showing that his strength is being drained away, along with other things from him. She is a succubus, but will Tom be able to resist her long enough to survive? The copy I streamed was not particularly sharp.