Broadcasting in he U.S. as Case Closed, Detective Conan is an interesting mystery/comedy/thriller that looks like a kiddie show but definitely ia much more to the series. Plot: a teenage detective protoge is turned into a kid by a weird poison and must help solve cases for his girlfriend's bumbling father under a alias until he can find the people who did this to him and recover an antidote. The premise, like I said, sounds kiddie but as the series rolls on things start to get messy and at times, a bit disturbing, but the cases are so ingenously planned out and executed you can't help but watch just to see how Jimmy/Conan will get the jobs done with such a small guise working against him. The animation is pretty good, bright and colorful though dated (eight years old now) but has its own style of anime. The dub isn't bad either, once again Funimation ,the folks doing the recording down here, have hired some excellent voice talent that matches each characters personalty very well though some tend to overact (the junior agency for example). Overall a great series that blends comedy and mystery very well. The only gripe being its very long (over 100 episodes) but still fun to watch. Give it a watch if you need a break from all the action animes or just a fan of Japanese cartoons in general. As Jimmy/Conan always say: "With a keen eye for detail, one truth prevails."