Following a rash of strange deaths, a group of friends in a small- town are convinced it's the return of a notorious, legendary serial killer plaguing everyone for how they bullied him in the past and must band together at a local cabin to try to stop his rampage.
This here was quite a disappointing effort without a whole lot to offer. One of the main elements to really like here is the effort this one really to in order to sell the story of it's bullied main antagonist. Going into the backstory at the opening of the film detailing his history and what originally happened to him gives this one a solid base for establishing the tormented main villain and giving him a more than credible motivation for going through with his rampage later on. Those later stalking scenes here are quite fun for what's being presented, with the opening ambush on the couple in the car or his appearance at the house with the kinky couple, while the scenes of him appearing around the camp really ups the action as he unleashes some decent enough attacks on the group. As these manage to include some brutal and bloody kills, these here manage to come across as the only parts of this one that are worthwhile. A lot of the movie's flaws here come from the film's dead-set belief that it's hilarious and supposedly a goof yet nothing that happens here is even smirk- inducing. There's nothing at all creepy or terrifying about a scrawny, middle-aged man in an eye-patch with one shoe on running around the woods killing some of the most clueless, brain- dead people to have ever been born, and even as a joke it's simply not funny. The incessant ringing of Christmas bells whenever he's on-screen isn't helping matters at all, and there's nothing about the killer that's either funny or scary which carries on into the remaining characters. They're not in the slightest bit funny, appealing, engaging or possess even the slightest amount of brain-power to function here as they actually forget why they're supposedly gathered together to stop the killer, are completely unable to spot the killer who's wielding a running chainsaw coming up on them until they step on a tree branch nearby and engage in the most pointless, atonal and cringe-inducing songs that are supposedly romantic and mood-setting yet don't come off as anything but mindless rambling that is the complete opposite of it's intended feelings. None of these issues, though, are given any help with the low-budget which is so obvious and damaging that it really hampers the film with some utterly detrimental issues that don't offer any kind of help to the film by limiting this one to such unappealing work throughout here, and this one has to have nearly ten minutes of bloopers to get to a feature-length which is still a bit low. These here really work against this one and make it quite the unappealing effort.
Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Nudity and a kinky sex scene.