(2007) Memory
Despite the happy ending, it's hard to recommend a movie for being incomplete. There's a reason why authors shouldn't be allowed to adapt their own books into movies for this is a prime example about what can happened to a premise that could've been interesting. The movie stars Billy Zane as Taylor Briggs who has just infected himself with some red powder, but it's really red sand. And he's also an expert on Alzheimer's because of his mother since he figures that it's hereditary. As a result of touching some red sand, he starts to somehow relive on a hallucination involving an abduction of a little girl during the year he was born which was back in 1971. And as a result of frequent dreams like it, he then asks his friend who's a neurologist for his help since he suspects that theirs a connection. Now, the revelations as well as the ideas are intriguing but the payoff is bland leaving viewers with more questions than it gets any answers such as how much involvement is the Dennis Hopper character. And what about the Billy Zane's character's health since it's labelled as toxic., like since when do hospitals discard toxic sand into regular garbage cans! You know, if this film was remade again, I would go and watch it since all it needs is a lot of patching up, but for now we are stuck with this mediocre effort.