The light, make-up, camera angles, clothes, colors of everything used, cutting of the scenes, everything looks very amateuristic and off. Makes you realize how much work and talent has been put into other movies where everything is just right but you never realized until you watched this one. I couldn't concentrate on the story but instead watched wrong hairstyles, wrong combinations of clothes, the unflattering way they are worn, almost got my first epilepsy attack from the strange cuts between scenes, bad acting and a mailpart that gave me the creeps because he didn't play an attractive guy but a serialkiller to be. You have to watch this. Find all the wrongs and have fun doing it. Notice the lead male role with two dark pieces of string hanging under his nose, strange shadows, the father with the last button of his vest unbuttoned (which is usually okay but not in this case) and mascara, the weird red hair that looks like a bad paint job. It is fun to watch, just keep pen and paper ready to find everything. I do realize everybody has to learn and that people that want to make movies have to start somewhere. I wish them all good luck and a steep learningcurve. An A+ for the effort and I think you all did your very best.