The film begins with an accident scene in which all the members of a family die, except for a baby who survives. A kind villager adopts the baby and names him 'Appu'. He raises him but unfortunately dies of old age when Appu reaches the age of around 4 years. Having lost his foster father, Appu gets disturbed and sets on a journey to meet God. Will he succeed in this strange quest? You need to watch the film to know the answer!
The film has a feel good factor to it and tries to present the innocence of a 4 year old rather effectively. The story is simple and sticks to the point without any unnecessary elements.
The music of the film is evocative and helps the audience to connect with the emotions displayed in the film. The cinematography is decently done. The length of the film could have been a little shorter. There are some minor flaws which can be ignored as the film has been made on a low budget.
Master Anoop has given an impressive performance. Veteran actor Shivaram has done justice to his role. Prasad Vashist and Sathyanath stand out with their brilliant acting in their respective roles.
Overall, this is a good family film to go out with children and is a good watch with a touching story and a social message at the end.