So some of the reviews are going on about the scripted-ness ... and ya, pretty obvious... so take it is what it is and enjoy the scenery. For some reason ppl love junk scripted reality TV (like pretty much what "reality tv" is lol! And you are complaining about it!??? 🤦♀️🤦♀️) but I don't find this to be junk. Real people, real places, real jobs, so there's a script to try to keep things jiving with being a reality tv show... as a wife of a die hard Deadliest Catch fan (which is too intense for this Momma), I enjoy this show very much. Yeah, I laugh a little at the scriptedness but behind it I see the real people and I LOVE it. I hope they keep it going for a long time. Of course, I question the Gulf move, but then I love the different overall fishing cultural experience ... and also how similar it is. Very cool for those appreciate such things. 🙌. Super fan of all the "cast" members and the scenery of our USA and waters... and the hard working jobs they are putting out there for us consumers to appreciate anytime we have good fish at a high-quality restaurant - and it is enjoyable to watch... despite whatever scriptedness others dislike. Get over it, and see the bigger picture.