Nothing frustrates me more than a horror movie that has so much potential but fails to deliver. Fear would be fairly high on that list.
A man takes his girlfriend away for a surprise birthday weekend and has arranged for a group of their friends to be at the old lodge in the middle of nowhere. This happens to coincide with the outbreak of a Covid like pandemic, forcing them to remain isolated at the lodge.
There are several things in this movie that just don't make sense, but it is hard to go into them without giving away spoilers. A great deal stems from the lack proper back story. A few morsels of history are thrown in, but not enough to make sense.
The first half of the movie relies heavily on the paranoia caused by Covid as its premise. The slightest cough or sniffle has people turning against each other.
Early on, the characters decide to share their greatest fears, and of course that comes back to bite them on the bum.
The acting is okay, with a couple of weak links, but the script leaves a little to be desired at times.
All the elements are there to make a good, if not great horror movie, but lack of details renders the story a bit muddled and confusing.
Oh, and the ending sucks big time.