I almost couldn't finish this movie and not for any of the usual reasons. It was because I don't speak Spanish and at least a third of the frequent subtitle translations were completely washed out in the background, not to mention being tiny to being with There is one scene in the kitchen where the largely white background is almost exclusively behind the white subtitles. Some of the translations involved major plot points. This is unacceptable for a movie on a network as mainstream as Lifetime.
I loved what I saw. Ariana Ron Pedrique is absolutely enchanting. Gaby is playful and appealing. Her chemistry with Rodrigo Massa is sizzling. There is a dance scene that was smoldering despite being slow. The script is funny and interesting (what I could understand).
I'm also trying to understand some of the subtext between the lines in English. Many of Gaby's family have some narrow ideas about what a Mexican should be. Can it possibly be that the subtitles are so much hidden because only Spanish speakers should enjoy this movie?
I also found it interesting the interplay about "coders" vs "U. X". I frequently wonder about apps, especially games that are so heavily controlled by the pure "coders" with seemingly little regard for the users.
I wanted to deduct more than 2 stars for the translations, but couldn't bring myself too.