First I have to give credit to Natalie Cotter (Dana) and Fawn Winters (Cat). They gave their all in their roles in perhaps one of the worst movies ever made. Dana moves to LA, and works writing reports for an oil company. As an example of how bad the script it, she is stated as making reports of where to dig for oil. Oil is drilled! The office is a total joke. There is a back story of drugs, using stereotypes of mob activity. It is thrown in at random. When she opens her door, there is clearly green screen to show a balcony, except the scene jumps all over the place, and the hues change. The color hues also change in various scenes, and at least one green screen isn't even properly placed for being background. There are even place cards for scenes that are part of the movie. Some of the inserted scenes defy any logic. There is a difference between low budget and shear incompetence. This is the latter. There are movies that are so bad they are good. This one is simply bad. The two actors gave their all in their roles, so I will recognize that, and give it two stars. They aren't responsible for the incompetence.