The nine year-old boy Eli (Parker Smerek) is lured by his teenager sister Emily (Emmanuelle Turco) and discloses to his school class that there is a Broughlin Monster in his basement that is afraid of the light. His parents Liz (Maria Wasikowski) and Richard Braverman (Brandon Matthew Layne) are summoned by the teacher that believes Eli has a psychological problem. Meanwhile Eli convinces his best friend Sam (Remington Gielniak) and his school mate Hillary (Arielle Olkhovsky) that the monster does exist. When his parents leave Eli with Emily babysitting him to go to a restaurant, she leaves her brother alone in the house and goes to a bar with her boyfriend Dominic (Jake Rotger). Soon Eli finds whether the monster is real or fruit of his imagination.
"My Soul to Keep" is a dramatic supernatural film open to interpretation. The acting is excellent and the plot holds the attention of the viewer. However the screenplay deserved improvements to make this original film a classic of the horror genre. Anyway it deserved to be watched. My vote is five.
Title (Brazil): Not Available