Another zombie movie release, and of course I am here like a vulture. I do love everything even remotely zombiesque. Sure, most of the movies in the zombie genre tend to be rather lousy, but still I sit down to watch it, as chance would have it perhaps the current movie is gold.
"Deadlocked" wasn't exactly gold. Sure, the concept idea for the script and storyline was good, but the transition to the screen just didn't have that special ingredient to make it jump out in your face and leave a lasting impression. In fact, the movie ended up being rather monotonous and mundane, truth be told.
Being trapped inside an elevator, while the world falls apart outside does seem interesting, sure. But the storyline just doesn't provide the audience with any information as to how or why it happens. Much less give you any sense of this being a realistic way that the movie is set up, as I would assume there would have been things leading up to the massive event, and it wouldn't just occur out of the blue. But hey, such are most zombie movies, just dropping the audience right into the chaos, and not bothering with providing an explanation or anything.
"Deadlocked" feels like an ambitious low budget project actually made right by director Josh Bailey. However, the movie just doesn't have the contents or the energy to make it to the big league.
And while the movie takes place during the first hours of a zombie outbreak, director Josh Bailey did manage to keep the zombies interesting enough, I mean that they weren't heavily decayed and decomposed shambling corpses. At least that was something that definitely worked well in favor of the movie.
The acting in the movie was adequate. I mean, sure you can tell that the actors and actresses are not at the top shelf, but they performed well enough with the restrictions imposed upon them by the script and plot.
In terms of entertainment value, then "Deadlocked" just felt like a swing and a miss for me. The movie had the right intentions and the drive, but the transition from script to screen just didn't play out all that well.
My rating of "Deadlocked" ends on a four out of ten stars. I didn't find much enjoyment in this 2020 zombie movie, but perhaps you will...