This story follows an upper-class woman, her family, and her four friends surrounding the time that one of the friends was throwing a divorce party and gaining her ex-husband's wealth and house.
I would like to first state that I hate the idea of divorce parties and was immediately disgusted when that was revealed. Perhaps one of the stars that I took off was due to that. Secondly, I would like to state that an animal is portrayed as passing here so if you (like I) am triggered at that sort of thing (albeit there is no violence nor anything graphic/gory about it; just the concept itself) then you might understand why I basically took off another star for that.
Concerning the actual meat of the movie, it tipped my score in a relatively favorable direction (despite the snobbery). The scenery is Lovely, the actresses are pretty, it had a fairly dynamic plot, and for the most part kept me interested in it throughout.
The characters are pretty unlikeable and it made it hard to connect with them to like them. I have a distaste for them but then again I believe that was probably intentional and the writers followed through on it.
The movie follows the protagonist girl and her friends giving each one of them a narrative surrounding the time frame of the party and onward. The creators did this by writing the character's name in fancy script in white upon a black screen, which would then cue into the said character's story. Now this is all nice and dandy but the actual transition was a little sloppy, with it taking me at least one or two of the character's stories to actually realize we were going back in time. I believe this to be the most apparent and one of the greatest blunders of the movie: perhaps a rewind or a fade to white would give the audience the obvious impression that the movie is indeed revisiting the story through another character's eyes and not just the story continuing in a linear fashion. Like I said it eventually becomes apparent but it generates confusion.
The story indeed has some nice twists and turns, and I could honestly say it was fairly unpredictable, which lends to it being interesting. I guess that despite the disgusting divorce party, bringing an animal into the chaos, and the fact the protagonist leaves their trash cans right in front of their mail box (given that I am a mail man by trade, it irks me), I could say that this movie is actually worthwhile to be seen and for the most part not a complete waste of time.