I have watched Port Charles from Day One and I have been consistently amazed by the highly credible performances of the energetic and charismatic cast of young performers, such as the consistently credible Nolan North as Dr. Chris Ramsey, Sarah Aldrich as Courtney Kanelos, Colton James as Neil Kanelos, Lisa Ann Hadley as Julie Devlin-Ramsey and Brian Gaskill as Rafe Kovich Sadly, I have also watched Port Charles fall from a high rating of 2.7 to the bottom of the barrel at 1.5. The fault lies NOT with the performers but with the story direction - the storylines are often murky at best and and just plain dumb at worst! My Direct TV Guide STILL claims that Port Charles is a show about 'young doctors and nurses as they pursue their careers.' But, at some point, this idealistic beginning (which garnered a 2.7 rating) got lost in the shuffle, as Port Charles sank deeper and deeper into a morbid fixation on 'pure evil' and journeyed off into an attempt to see how many bad horror movie rip-offs they could get away with foisting off on the public! In those instances when Port Charles threw away the fixation on evil and let a little happiness creep in - the ratings rose accordingly - 'Miracles Happen,' which showed Julie returning to bid an emotional farewell to her true love, Chris - received a 2.0 rating - the highest that Port Charles had received since veering off into the strange territory of 'Nothing But the Supernatural!'- in storylines suddenly called 'arcs.' With their talented cast of young performers, Port Charles COULD have been great. While the TV Guide promised a show about doctors, nurses and their careers; and ABC promised that ALL ABC shows would be 'returning to their core and delivering more romance; and Soap Net promised to be the channel that delivered 'Love, love, love' - Port Charles ran aground on the dangerous reefs of 'Too Many Broken Promises.' If only ONE of those promises HAD been kept, Port Charles would not only STILL have a 2.7 rating, they would be an hour show by now and be named FREQUENTLY when Emmys are being handed out. If only the stories being told by Port Charles had ever lived up to the brilliant cast, Port Charles would have had it made! Sincerely, Heather, Sangre de Cristo, Colorado, USA