The idea of a Harry Potter trivia game show is an awesome idea. However, this is an AWFUL execution of said awesome idea.
They present the show as if the contestants are picked randomly from the audience, but it's clear that's not the case as the contestants already have name plaques on the podiums. Each question has 4 answer choices, presented very much like Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. But every question's third or fourth answer is something completely stupid and meant to be funny, i.e. "What is Remus Lupin's Marauder's nickname?"; "Lupin-ator."
But my biggest turn off with this show is the way the contestants confer before answering each question. I understand as a team they're supposed to give only one answer, but they way they do it is very annoying. It's as if the producers told them to to show their work and explain how the came up with their answer, as if they doing a long division math problem. For example, one of the questions was who transfigured into a shark during the Triwizard Tournament. Instead of simply answering it, they go into an in-depth analysis in order to eliminate their choices. "Well sharks are strong manly forces and who's known for being manly? It must be Viktor Krum."
I'm not sure who's idea this was, but it's clear this was only made to capitalize on the excitement of the upcoming reunion special.