I just watched the new Avatar live-action on Netflix. I was stunned by the visuals and by the opening sequence. However, as the story progressed, the actors couldn't pull off the storytelling- not their fault, they're very young and it was apparent they were thrown into the production too soon. My point being, it doesn't always matter how much you throw into a production; how you execute the storytelling, will ultimately be the deciding factor if your content is worth watching.
I came across this show (NNYC) from one of the ads they had running on TikTok. The script is pretty witty, and packed with smart one-liners. They fell somewhat short on the technical elements (it's an indie production!). With that said, kudos to the cast! If there's one element that worked, it's hands down the casting itself. Everyone was brilliant for their roles. Tons of laugh-out-loud moments, and Gaia is just freaking adorable. Aria and Sahir are HOT, and Dante is my favorite character in the show.
A must-watch for the perfect blend of humor, and deeper message. Sweet, sharp, and served with a side of heart. 7/10!