It goes without saying that you'd be hard-pressed (pun intended) to find much artistic merit in anything Cinemax or MoreMax airs in the wee hours of the night. This low-budget, soft-core bore fits well into the description. I found this movie by accident while channel surfing, and I wish that was a lie. It's a chamber piece of sorts, with only five actors with speaking parts in the entire movie, but they're embodied by the line-reading "acting" you'd commonly find in most porn flicks. Steven St. Croix, who had a small but memorable part in the porn-themed comedy "The Girl Next Door," is clearly showing his age; even though he's only five years older than co-star Nicole Oring, they look 10+ years apart. Worse yet, the plot is a vague series of bullet points and the twist ending makes no sense whatsoever. If you find anything gratifying about this... well, to each their own.