"Shoelaces for Christmas" - Those undergoing chemo usually lose their hair, the very very lucky ones do not, but you either do or you don't. Those who have lost their hair will either wear a wig or a head scarf/ turban to cover their bald heads (although it is becoming more and more the trend just to go bald.) Those who were lucky and kept their hair have no need of either. The mom in the film is wearing a turban up with hair clearly underneath and with long strands coming out in front. I know absolutely zero about hair and make up, but I even know that the actress's hair should have been plastered close to her head with a bald cap or at the very least with massive amounts of gel to give the illusion of being bald underneath her turban, and in no way shape or form should have long strands of hair coming out of the front of it! :((( Argghh!!! Just arghhh!!! What a way to distract in a non-professional way from an otherwise very heartwarming movie.
Dec. 6, 2021 Monday
11:10 a.m.
"Shoelaces for Christmas" is on.
Ask me how badly that this movie drives me crazy and all of the things wrong with it?!!! Sorry Scout. You do great! Sorry Yolanda. I also loved you. Good to see what's her name (and her daughter in real life) who we haven't seen since she was a teen.
* Someone going through chemo doesn't have strands of hair falling out of their scarf. If you are going through chemo and have a scarf on it is bec. YOU ARE BALD - THERE WOULD BE NO STRANDS OF HAIR!!!!
* Or look so healthy.
* Too quick of an arc. Maybe I am cynical that people don't change.
* Her volunteering should have happened during summer break. The dad is asking her to get her grades up, help with the housework, help with her brother, AND go do this big time consuming emotional volunteer project, not to mention be a teenager and be there for her mom?????!!!!!!