I can hardly begin to express what a disgusting, worthless piece of excrement this film is. When you consider how much talent there is in film-making, to know that a major studio (admittedly, on its last legs) funded this garbage makes you want to grab a sharp implement.
Why is it so awful? All right (deep breath):
1. The split screen. It's distracting. It adds nothing to the narrative. It isn't used to make a point (as Tarantino does in Jackie Brown). It's just there as a selling feature.
2. The performances. God help us.
3. The script. God continue to help us.
4. The story itself. Who the hell thought this would be an original idea?
5. The child abuse sequences. So appallingly exploitative, so unworthily sickening, so POINTLESS...I wanted to throw something at the TV.
6. The tacky tone. The sexual puns are puerile beyond belief. The Farrelly brothers would never have stooped this low.
7. The theme song. Still stuck in my head after about 10 years. GO AWAY!!!!
There are plenty of other reasons why this obscenity should be thrown into the Pit of Hell, but I really can't bear to go any further. Every copy of this should be consigned to fire, and everybody involved in it should be taken outside and shot, their bodies burnt, their ashes buried and the whole site concreted over.
If this diatribe persuades people to go and see it, it has failed in its mission. Don't ever employ its maker to do anything again, I implore you.
The least enjoyable bad film ever made. Can I give it a minus score, please?